Infographics 2016

Banking challenge

Pramit Bhattacharya

The survey also shows that in 20% of households with access to banking, the breadwinner (or chief wage earner) does not ... read more

Infographics 2016

Banking Access


The richer income classes save much more than the poorer classes in banks but they also invest more heavily in capital m... read more

Infographics 2016

Asset ownership and investments

Pramit Bhattacharya

The proportion of top earners investing in equities and bonds, and purchasing insurance, is much higher than the all-Ind... read more

Infographics 2016

Where top earners live

Pramit Bhattacharya

Urban India has been divided into four clusters: metros (population more than 5 million), boom towns (2.5- 5 million), n... read more